Intelligent Billing for Data, Infrastructure and Platform

Automated industry-specific pricing, service consumption measuring and IaaS/PaaS billing channels

Start billing your enterprise SaaS customer in 5 min.
No engineering needed.

Here's why organizations love Paigo:

Industry Domain Expertise

Paigo has its roots in PaaS. The product understands exactly the pain points of the industry and is tailored for the specific needs.

Reliable and Precise Billing

Precise measuring, granular sampling, highly available, and disaster tolerant. Your billing is in good hands.

Fast Go-to-Market Time Frame

Eliminate the need to let engineering build in-house billing systems. Start to bill customers on day 0. That's huge cost saving as well!

You have an awesome product, such as data platform, machine learning ops & infra, API, etc.
But you have a critical problem:
How much should we charge our customers every month?
Our product solves this problem for Platform-as-a-Service business in a fully automated way.

PaaS Pricing Engine

Paigo builds the first-ever PaaS Pricing Engine specifically designed for Platform Software. The supported price models range from the most simple Usage-Based Model to more advanced Models. We support more than ten popular pricing models in the PaaS space. You can now define your product's best Pricing strategy with ease.

Intelligent Billing Dimensions

How much compute, data, storage, or application unit have your clients used? Intelligent Billing Dimensions in Paigo know exactly the amount they have consumed. Collections of out-of-box Intelligent Billing Dimensions are pre-built and measured automatically for you. Examples of Intelligent Billing Dimensions are Compute, Storage, Data Transfer, API Requests, Query, User, Workspace or Log file Size. You can also extend and define your own intelligent dimensions too.

IaaS/PaaS Billing Channels

Invoice and collect payments from customers in the right channel. Paigo provides automated billing operations for your SaaS customers on public cloud marketplaces like AWS, Azure, and GCP. Additionally Paigo supports direct invoicing through Stripe as well as custom contract invoicing. Consumption, bills and payment are visualized, side to side!

Market data reveals, on average, PaaS companies spend 6+ month, hire 3+ full-time engineers and invest >$100K on R&D to implement an MVP version of billing solution. Still, there are a lot of Excel sheets floating around and extensive manual calculation. A reliable automated billing for Infra SaaS business costs 12+ months, 5+ engineers and >$200K.

Are you one of them? It is necessary no more.
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